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Columbia, IL | (618) 851-2389

Freeburg. IL | (618) 448-5334

Full Mouth Reconstruction Columbia & Freeburg, IL

When we do a full mouth reconstruction, we are creating a kind of miracle for a patient who may have thought their smile was destroyed forever. A patient can come to us with a smile that has suffered years of neglect, or a smile that has been severely damaged by an illness or accident. By using all our skills and adding in heartfelt concern and interest in the patient’s results, we can gradually bring about a beautiful smile. 

The first step is repairing any teeth that can be saved with fillings, inlays, onlays, or crowns. Any gum disease must also be treated to return the gums to good health. 

Any teeth that simply have cosmetic problems like discoloration or chips may be fixed with dental veneers which are durable, thin shells of porcelain fit to the front of the teeth. They quickly repair the tooth’s appearance and can also make the shapes of teeth more uniform. Poorly shaped teeth can be made 

more attractive and uneven lengths can be quickly corrected with veneers.

Finally, missing teeth can be replaced with bridges, dental implants, or partial dentures. At the end of this process, those of us at Advanced Dental Care & Orthodontics are just as delighted as our patient to see the transformation. This is the kind of “before and after “story we love. We enjoy seeing patients smile happily again and no longer have to cover their mouths. 

If your smile has suffered severe damage, please come talk to us. Find out how we can help you achieve a bright, complete, and new smile you love to show off and a fully functional set of teeth.

What Patients Are Saying About Us...

“My husband and I make over a 30 minute drive to Advanced Dental Care because they are wonderful! They show great hospitality to me and my family. I always look forward to my visit!”

- Becky G.

“Why I ever was afraid of the dentist is beyond me!? What a great staff! Keep up the great work and thanks for making me feel comfortable at my first visit!”

- Logan B.

Contact Us Today!

Feel free to contact us to set an appointment or get answers to any of your dental health questions. 

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Office Hours

Mon – Thu: 9:00 am to 5:00 pm 

Friday: 9:00 am to noon.