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Columbia, IL | (618) 851-2389

Freeburg. IL | (618) 448-5334

Cleaning & Prevention Columbia & Freeburg, IL

When a tooth develops decay, we provide repair with tooth-colored fillings that are more aesthetic and that can last for decades with the right care. This tooth-colored material bonds tightly to tooth enamel which means less preparation and less drilling for the patient. 

If a tooth loses a significant amount of its tissue or a piece breaks off, an inlay or onlay is a better solution. These are lab-created restorations made from ceramic material colored to match the natural teeth. They are very durable and actually strengthen a tooth. When a patient has old, deteriorated metal fillings replaced, those fillings are often so large that the tooth needs an inlay or onlay as a replacement. 

Inlays fit down into the biting surface of a tooth, and an onlay, which does the same, also replaces one or more of the tooth’s points (called cusps). An Inlay or an onlay may also be the right solution for a fractured tooth.

What Patients Are Saying About Us...

“Everyone is so sweet! The doctor has a good sense of humor which got me through my procedure today. When they literally say no pain there’s NO PAIN.”

- Paris T.

“I used to be afraid going to the dentist for many years. The staff here have made me feel right at ease and taken all my fears away. You could not do wrong making this your family dentist!”

- Coby W.

Contact Us Today!

Feel free to contact us to set an appointment or get answers to any of your dental health questions. 

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Office Hours

Mon – Thu: 9:00 am to 5:00 pm 

Friday: 9:00 am to noon.